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  4. SOF darilni bon / gift voucher

SOF darilni bon / gift voucher


Iščete idejo za izvirno darilo, nepozabno izkušnjo za svoje najbližje? Podarite doživetje! In to čisto posebno - štartnino za Soča Outdoor Festival 2025 :).

*Po prejetem plačilu vam bomo poslali darilni bon v digitalni obliki s kodo, s katero se bo nagrajenec brezplačno prijavil na izbrani tek.


Are you looking for an original gift idea, an unforgettable experience for your loved ones? Gift an experience! A special one - the entry fee for the Soča Outdoor Festival 2025 :).

*After receiving the payment, we will send you a gift voucher in digital format with a code, which can be used to register for the selected distance.

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